Vert.x is a toolkit for building reactive applications. As described in the Quarkus Reactive Architecture, Quarkus uses Vert.x underneath.

This guide is the companion to the Using Eclipse Vert.x API from a Quarkus Application guide. It provides more advanced details about the usage and the configuration of the Vert.x instance used by Quarkus.

Accessing the Vert.x instance

To access the managed Vert.x instance, add the quarkus-vertx extension to your project. Note that this dependency may already be installed (as a transitive dependency).

With this extension, you can retrieve the managed instance of Vert.x using either field or constructor injection:

public class MyBean {
// Field injection
@Inject Vertx vertx;

// Constructor injection
MyBean(Vertx vertx) {
    // ...


You can inject either the:

  • io.vertx.core.Vertx instance exposing the bare Vert.x API

  • io.vertx.mutiny.core.Vertx instance exposing the Mutiny API

We recommend using the Mutiny variant as it integrates with the other reactive APIs provided by Quarkus.


If you are not familiar with Mutiny, check Mutiny - an intuitive reactive programming library.

Documentation about the Vert.x Mutiny variant is available on

Configuring the Vert.x instance

You can configure the Vert.x instance from the file. The following table lists the supported properties:

Using Vert.x clients

In addition to Vert.x core, you can use most Vert.x ecosystem libraries. Some Quarkus extension already wraps Vert.x libraries.

Available APIs

The following table lists the most used libraries from the Vert.x ecosystem. To access these APIs, add the indicated extension or dependency to your project. Refer to the associated documentation to learn how to use them.


Extension or Dependency


AMQP Client

io.quarkus:quarkus-smallrye-reactive-messaging-amqp (extension)

Circuit Breaker

io.smallrye.reactive:smallrye-mutiny-vertx-circuit-breaker (external dependency)

Consul Client

io.smallrye.reactive:smallrye-mutiny-vertx-consul-client (external dependency)

DB2 Client

io.quarkus:quarkus-reactive-db2-client (extension)

Kafka Client

io.quarkus:quarkus-smallrye-reactive-messaging-kafka (extension)

Mail Client

io.quarkus:quarkus-mailer (extension)

MQTT Client

io.quarkus:quarkus-smallrye-reactive-messaging-mqtt (extension)

MS SQL Client

io.quarkus:quarkus-reactive-mssql-client (extension)

MySQL Client

io.quarkus:quarkus-reactive-mysql-client (extension)

Oracle Client

io.quarkus:quarkus-reactive-oracle-client (extension)

PostgreSQL Client

io.quarkus:quarkus-reactive-pg-client (extension)

RabbitMQ Client

io.smallrye.reactive:smallrye-mutiny-vertx-rabbitmq-client (external dependency)

Redis Client

io.quarkus:quarkus-redis-client (extension)

Web Client

io.smallrye.reactive:smallrye-mutiny-vertx-web-client (external dependency)

To learn more about the usage of the Vert.x Mutiny API, refer to

Example of usage

This section gives an example using the Vert.x WebClient. As indicated in the table above, add the following dependency to your project:


Now, in your code, you can create an instance of WebClient:

package org.acme.vertx;

import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.inject.Inject;

import io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni;
import org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.jaxrs.PathParam;

import io.vertx.mutiny.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.mutiny.ext.web.client.WebClient;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.ext.web.client.WebClientOptions;

public class ResourceUsingWebClient {

    private final WebClient client;

    VertxResource(Vertx vertx) {
        this.client = WebClient.create(vertx);

    public Uni<JsonObject> getFruitData(@PathParam("name") String name) {
        return client.getAbs("https://.../api/fruit/" + name)
                .onItem().transform(resp -> {
                    if (resp.statusCode() == 200) {
                        return resp.bodyAsJsonObject();
                    } else {
                        return new JsonObject()
                                .put("code", resp.statusCode())
                                .put("message", resp.bodyAsString());


This resource creates a WebClient and, upon request, uses this client to invoke a remote HTTP API. Depending on the result, the response is forwarded as received, or it creates a JSON object wrapping the error. The WebClient is asynchronous (and non-blocking), to the endpoint returns a Uni.

The application can also run as a native executable. But, first, we need to instruct Quarkus to enable ssl (if the remote API uses HTTPS). Open the src/main/resources/ and add:


Then, create the native executable with:

quarkus build --native
./mvnw package -Dnative
./gradlew build -Dquarkus.package.type=native

Using Vert.x JSON

Vert.x APIs often rely on JSON. Vert.x provides two convenient classes to manipulate JSON document: io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject and io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray.

JsonObject can be used to map an object into its JSON representation and build an object from a JSON document:

// Map an object into JSON
Person person = ...;
JsonObject json = JsonObject.mapFrom(person);

// Build an object from JSON
json = new JsonObject();
person = json.mapTo(Person.class);

Note that these features use the mapper managed by the quarkus-jackson extension. Refer to Jackson configuration to customize the mapping.

JSON Object and JSON Array are both supported as Quarkus HTTP endpoint requests and response bodies (using classic RESTEasy and RESTEasy Reactive). Consider these endpoints:

package org.acme.vertx;

import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;


import org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.jaxrs.PathParam;

public class VertxJsonResource {

    public JsonObject jsonObject(@PathParam String name) {
        return new JsonObject().put("Hello", name);

    public JsonArray jsonArray(@PathParam String name) {
        return new JsonArray().add("Hello").add(name);

This works equally well when the JSON content is a request body or is wrapped in a Uni, Multi, CompletionStage or Publisher.

Using verticles

Verticles is "a simple, scalable, actor-like deployment and concurrency model" provided by _Vert.x. This model does not claim to be a strict actor-model implementation, but it shares similarities, especially concerning concurrency, scaling, and deployment. To use this model, you write and deploy verticles, communicating by sending messages on the event bus.

You can deploy verticles in Quarkus. It supports:

  • bare verticle - Java classes extending io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle

  • Mutiny verticle - Java classes extending io.smallrye.mutiny.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle

Deploying verticles

To deploy verticles, use the deployVerticle method:

@Inject Vertx vertx;

// ...
vertx.deployVerticle(MyVerticle.class.getName(), ar -> { });
vertx.deployVerticle(new MyVerticle(), ar -> { });

If you use the Mutiny-variant of Vert.x, be aware that the deployVerticle method returns a Uni, and you would need to trigger a subscription to make the actual deployment.

An example explaining how to deploy verticles during the initialization of the application will follow.

Using @ApplicationScoped Beans as Verticle

In general, Vert.x verticles are not CDI beans. And so cannot use injection. However, in Quarkus, you can deploy verticles as beans. Note that in this case, CDI (Arc in Quarkus) is responsible for creating the instance.

The following snippet provides an example:

package io.quarkus.vertx.verticles;

import io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni;
import io.smallrye.mutiny.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.config.inject.ConfigProperty;

import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;

public class MyBeanVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {

    @ConfigProperty(name = "address") String address;

    public Uni<Void> asyncStart() {
        return vertx.eventBus().consumer(address)
                .handler(m -> m.replyAndForget("hello"))

You don’t have to inject the vertx instance; instead, leverage the protected field from AbstractVerticle.

Then, deploy the verticle instances with:

package io.quarkus.vertx.verticles;

import io.quarkus.runtime.StartupEvent;
import io.vertx.mutiny.core.Vertx;

import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import javax.enterprise.event.Observes;

public class VerticleDeployer {

    public void init(@Observes StartupEvent e, Vertx vertx, MyBeanVerticle verticle) {

If you want to deploy every exposed AbstractVerticle, you can use:

public void init(@Observes StartupEvent e, Vertx vertx, Instance<AbstractVerticle> verticles) {
    for (AbstractVerticle verticle : verticles) {

Using multiple verticles instances

When using @ApplicationScoped, you will get a single instance for your verticle. Having multiple instances of verticles can be helpful to share the load among them. Each of them will be associated with a different I/O thread (Vert.x event loop).

To deploy multiple instances of your verticle, use the @Dependent scope instead of @ApplicationScoped:

package org.acme.verticle;

import io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni;
import io.smallrye.mutiny.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle;

import javax.enterprise.context.Dependent;
import javax.inject.Inject;

public class MyVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {

    public Uni<Void> asyncStart() {
        return vertx.eventBus().consumer("address")
                .handler(m -> m.reply("Hello from " + this))

Then, deploy your verticle as follows:

package org.acme.verticle;

import io.quarkus.runtime.StartupEvent;
import io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions;
import io.vertx.mutiny.core.Vertx;

import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import javax.enterprise.event.Observes;
import javax.enterprise.inject.Instance;
import javax.inject.Inject;

public class MyApp {

    void init(@Observes StartupEvent ev, Vertx vertx, Instance<MyVerticle> verticles) {
                .deployVerticle(verticles::get, new DeploymentOptions().setInstances(2))

The init method receives an Instance<MyVerticle>. Then, you pass a supplier to the deployVerticle method. The supplier is just calling the get() method. Thanks to the @Dependent scope, it returns a new instance on every call. Finally, you pass the desired number of instances to the DeploymentOptions, such as two in the previous example. It will call the supplier twice, which will create two instances of your verticle.

Using the event bus

Vert.x comes with a built-in event bus that you can use from your Quarkus application. So, your application components (CDI beans, resources…​) can interact using asynchronous events, thus promoting loose-coupling.

With the event bus, you send messages to virtual addresses. The event bus offers three types of delivery mechanisms:

  • point-to-point - send the message, one consumer receives it. If several consumers listen to the address, a round-robin is applied;

  • publish/subscribe - publish a message; all the consumers listening to the address are receiving the message;

  • request/reply - send the message and expect a response. The receiver can respond to the message in an asynchronous fashion.

All these delivery mechanisms are non-blocking and are providing one of the fundamental bricks to build reactive applications.

Consuming events

While you can use the Vert.x API to register consumers, Quarkus comes with declarative support. To consume events, use the io.quarkus.vertx.ConsumeEvent annotation:

package org.acme.vertx;

import io.quarkus.vertx.ConsumeEvent;

import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;

public class GreetingService {

    @ConsumeEvent                           (1)
    public String consume(String name) {    (2)
        return name.toUpperCase();
1 If not set, the address is the fully qualified name of the bean; for instance, in this snippet, it’s org.acme.vertx.GreetingService.
2 The method parameter is the message body. If the method returns something, it’s the message response.

Configuring the address

The @ConsumeEvent annotation can be configured to set the address:

@ConsumeEvent("greeting")               (1)
public String consume(String name) {
    return name.toUpperCase();
1 Receive the messages sent to the greeting address

Asynchronous processing

The previous examples use synchronous processing. Asynchronous processing is also possible by returning either an io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni or a java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage:

package org.acme.vertx;

import io.quarkus.vertx.ConsumeEvent;

import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
import io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni;

public class GreetingService {

    public CompletionStage<String> consume(String name) {
        // return a CompletionStage completed when the processing is finished.
        // You can also fail the CompletionStage explicitly

    public Uni<String> process(String name) {
        // return an Uni completed when the processing is finished.
        // You can also fail the Uni explicitly

The previous example uses Mutiny reactive types. If you are not familiar with Mutiny, check Mutiny - an intuitive reactive programming library.

Blocking processing

By default, the code consuming the event must be non-blocking, as it’s called on an I/O thread. If your processing is blocking, use the @io.smallrye.common.annotation.Blocking annotation:

@ConsumeEvent(value = "blocking-consumer")
void consumeBlocking(String message) {
    // Something blocking

Alternatively, you can use the blocking attribute from the @ConsumeEvent annotation:

@ConsumeEvent(value = "blocking-consumer", blocking = true)
void consumeBlocking(String message) {
    // Something blocking

When using @Blocking, it ignores the value of the blocking attribute of @ConsumeEvent.

Replying to messages

The return value of a method annotated with @ConsumeEvent is used to respond to the incoming message. For instance, in the following snippet, the returned String is the response.

public String consume(String name) {
    return name.toUpperCase();

You can also return a Uni<T> or a CompletionStage<T> to handle asynchronous reply:

public Uni<String> consume2(String name) {
    return Uni.createFrom().item(() -> name.toUpperCase()).emitOn(executor);

You can inject an executor if you use the Context Propagation extension:

@Inject Executor executor;

Implementing fire and forget interactions

You don’t have to reply to received messages. Typically, for a fire and forget interaction, the messages are consumed, and the sender does not need to know about it. To implement this pattern, your consumer method returns void.

public void consume(String event) {
    // Do something with the event

Dealing with messages

Unlike the previous example using the payloads directly, you can also use Message directly:

public void consume(Message<String> msg) {

Handling Failures

If a method annotated with @ConsumeEvent throws an exception, then:

  • if a reply handler is set, then the failure is propagated back to the sender via an io.vertx.core.eventbus.ReplyException with code ConsumeEvent#FAILURE_CODE and the exception message,

  • if no reply handler is set, then the exception is rethrown (and wrapped in a RuntimeException if necessary) and can be handled by the default exception handler, i.e. io.vertx.core.Vertx#exceptionHandler().

Sending messages

Sending and publishing messages use the Vert.x event bus:

package org.acme.vertx;

import io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni;
import io.vertx.mutiny.core.eventbus.EventBus;
import io.vertx.mutiny.core.eventbus.Message;
import org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.jaxrs.PathParam;

import javax.inject.Inject;

public class EventResource {

    EventBus bus;                                            (1)

    public Uni<String> greeting(@PathParam String name) {
        return bus.<String>request("greeting", name)        (2)
1 Inject the Event bus
2 Send a message to the address greeting. Message payload is name

The EventBus object provides methods to:

  1. send a message to a specific address - one single consumer receives the message.

  2. publish a message to a specific address - all consumers receive the messages.

  3. request a message and expect a reply

// Case 1
bus.sendAndForget("greeting", name)
// Case 2
bus.publish("greeting", name)
// Case 3
Uni<String> response = bus.<String>request("address", "hello, how are you?")

Using codecs

The Vert.x Event Bus uses codecs to serialize and deserialize objects. Quarkus provides a default codec for local delivery. So you can exchange objects as follows:

public Uni<String> greeting(@PathParam String name) {
    return bus.<String>request("greeting", new MyName(name))

@ConsumeEvent(value = "greeting")
Uni<String> greeting(MyName name) {
    return Uni.createFrom().item(() -> "Hello " + name.getName());

If you want to use a specific codec, you need to set it on both ends explicitly:

public Uni<String> greeting(@PathParam String name) {
    return bus.<String>request("greeting", name,
        new DeliveryOptions().setCodecName(MyNameCodec.class.getName())) (1)

@ConsumeEvent(value = "greeting", codec = MyNameCodec.class)            (2)
Uni<String> greeting(MyName name) {
    return Uni.createFrom().item(() -> "Hello "+name.getName());
1 Set the name of the codec to use to send the message
2 Set the codec to use to receive the message

Combining HTTP and the event bus

Let’s revisit a greeting HTTP endpoint and use asynchronous message passing to delegate the call to a separated bean. It uses the request/reply dispatching mechanism. Instead of implementing the business logic inside the JAX-RS endpoint, we are sending a message. Another bean consumes this message, and the response is sent using the reply mechanism.

In your HTTP endpoint class, inject the event bus and uses the request method to send a message to the event bus and expect a response:

package org.acme.vertx;

import io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni;
import io.vertx.mutiny.core.eventbus.EventBus;
import io.vertx.mutiny.core.eventbus.Message;
import org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.jaxrs.PathParam;

import javax.inject.Inject;

public class EventResource {

    EventBus bus;

    public Uni<String> greeting(@PathParam String name) {
        return bus.<String>request("greeting", name)            (1)
                .onItem().transform(Message::body);            (2)
1 send the name to the greeting address and request a response
2 when we get the response, extract the body and send it to the user
the HTTP method returns a Uni. If you are using RESTEasy Reactive, Uni support is built-in. If you are using classic RESTEasy, you need to add the quarkus resteasy-mutiny extension to your project.

We need a consumer listening on the greeting address. This consumer can be in the same class or another bean such as:

package org.acme.vertx;

import io.quarkus.vertx.ConsumeEvent;

import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;

public class GreetingService {

    public String greeting(String name) {
        return "Hello " + name;


This bean receives the name and returns the greeting message.

With this in place, every HTTP request on /bus/quarkus sends a message to the event bus, waits for a reply, and when this one arrives, writes the HTTP response:

Hello Quarkus

To better understand, let’s detail how the HTTP request/response has been handled:

  1. The request is received by the greeting method

  2. a message containing the name is sent to the event bus

  3. Another bean receives this message and computes the response

  4. This response is sent back using the reply mechanism

  5. Once the reply is received by the sender, the content is written to the HTTP response

Bi-directional communication with browsers using SockJS

The SockJS bridge provided by Vert.x allows browser applications and Quarkus applications to communicate using the event bus. It connects both sides. So, both sides can send messages received on the other side. It supports the three delivery mechanisms.

SockJS negotiates the communication channel between the Quarkus application and the browser. If WebSockets are supported, it uses them; otherwise, it degrades to SSE, long polling, etc.

So use SockJS, you need to configure the bridge, especially the addresses that will be used to communicate:

package org.acme.vertx;

import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.ext.bridge.PermittedOptions;
import io.vertx.ext.web.Router;
import io.vertx.ext.web.handler.sockjs.SockJSBridgeOptions;
import io.vertx.ext.web.handler.sockjs.SockJSHandler;

import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import javax.enterprise.event.Observes;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

public class SockJsExample {

    Vertx vertx;

    public void init(@Observes Router router) {
        SockJSHandler sockJSHandler = SockJSHandler.create(vertx);
        sockJSHandler.bridge(new SockJSBridgeOptions()
                .addOutboundPermitted(new PermittedOptions().setAddress("ticks")));


This code configures the SockJS bridge to send all the messages targeting the ticks address to the connected browsers. More detailled explanations about the configuration can be found on the Vert.x SockJS Bridge documentation.

The browser must use the vertx-eventbus JavaScript library to consume the message:

<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <title>SockJS example - Quarkus</title>
    <script src=""
            integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
    <script type="application/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

<h1>SockJS Examples</h1>

<p><strong>Last Tick:</strong> <span id="tick"></span></p>

    var eb = new EventBus('/eventbus');

    eb.onopen = function () {

        eb.registerHandler('ticks', function (error, message) {


Native Transport

Native transports are not supported in GraalVM produced binaries.

Vert.x is capable of using Netty’s native transports, which offers performance improvements on specific platforms.To enable them, you must include the appropriate dependency for your platform. It’s usually a good idea to have both to keep your application platform agnostic. Netty is smart enough to use the correct one, that includes none at all on unsupported platforms:




You will also have to explicitly configure Vert.x to use the native transport. In add:


Or in application.yml:

    prefer-native-transport: true

If all is well quarkus will log:

[] (main) Vertx has Native Transport Enabled: true

Native Linux Transport

On Linux you can enable the following socket options:





Native MacOS Transport

On MacOS Sierra and above you can enable the following socket options:


Listening to a Unix Domain Socket

Listening on a Unix domain socket allows us to dispense with the overhead of TCP if the connection to the quarkus service is established from the same host. This can happen if access to the service goes through a proxy which is often the case if you’re setting up a service mesh with a proxy like Envoy.

This will only work on platforms that support Native Transport.

Enable the appropriate Native Transport and set the following environment property:


By itself this will not disable the tcp socket which by default will open on It can be explicitly disabled:

These properties can be set through Java’s -D command line parameter or on

Read only deployment environments

In environments with read only file systems you may receive errors of the form:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to create cache dir

Assuming /tmp/ is writable this can be fixed by setting the vertx.cacheDirBase property to point to a directory in /tmp/ for instance in OpenShift by creating an environment variable JAVA_OPTS with the value -Dvertx.cacheDirBase=/tmp/vertx.